1-Hour Phone Consultation with Jonathan Hay

Please add to cart and follow the steps as prompted. We will contact you within 24 hours after your purchase to gather necessary details and schedule your 1-hour conference call.
All payments are safe, secured and guaranteed. You will receive a receipt via email promptly after purchase. If you have any questions or technical problems, please contact us.
Our 1-hour phone consultations are organized in a specific way in order to maximize this learning opportunity. The client first emails a list of high priority questions in advance, which allows Jonathan Hay to give them due consideration and generate a comprehensive response. A 1-hour phone consultation will then be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time to discuss their questions and any others that arise as a result of the discussion. This service is perfect for those who require the best advice for their unique situation.
If you retain our services, 50% of this payment will be applied as a credit towards your publicity campaign.